Possible cone factory

‘Possible cone factory’ draws inspiration from different forms of filtration, communication, and organisation of knowledge and labour. By confronting methods and techniques from the arts and crafts with those from the contemporary —digital— mass production, distribution, and speculation, I seek to explore the agency of technical arrangements and their negotiating role within culture. Moreover, through the embodied experience of mass-making technical objects, I hope to gain knowledge about how these objects are, conversely, producing me. 

In the installation, the multiple flows insinuated by the interrupted infrastructure suggest an ambiguous and not fully functioning diagrammatic landscape, only perceivable when faulty and fragile. Careful attention is needed to navigate the contradictions between containment and communication that are the central engine of contemporary global economy. 


Installation: ceramic pipes and cones, CNC processed tables, latex tubing, self portable shelving system, sound, ink drawings on paper.
Sound pieces: ‘Whistling clay, a sonic archive of toxicity’ (2, 3 & 4, looped). Recorded with the help of Simon Labbé.

© Elisa Cuesta, 2022


Photography: Gert Jan van Rooij, 2022


KABK Graduation Show 2022 (1-5 july)
Featured at Metropolis M magazine. Review by Lena van Tijen.
‘Whistling clay, a sonic archive of toxicity’ (piece 4) featured at Echo Radio.